Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Unnatural waters

This pond on Horsell common was an unnaturally green colour today. But then it is near the site of the Martian landings in War of the Worlds.

We walked rather longer than we had planned and came home in the dark feeling tired and, in TSM’s case, a bit cold. She never dresses properly when we go out.

By contrast, the day had started with a two cuppa lie in under a duvet that was just too warm to walk away from. 

A typical Boxing Day in every sense with the lie-in, the walk and a generally chilled atmosphere. We are about to embark on a supper of left overs and watch some Christmas telly. I will however spare the liver and drink alcohol free beer. As Jack Nicholson might say, I can’t handle the booze. Well not like I used to anyway.

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