Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A walk in the park

Charlie’s Park  AKA Windsor Great. 

Lovely sunshine. Cold in the wind. Soggy underfoot. This after a bit of a lie in. Christmas is so exhausting.

TSM drove for the first time in six months today as she is full recovered from her latest health episode. That was also a walk in the park. Driving skills fully intact, particularly yelling abuse at bad drivers, something she excels at.

I bought TSM a really nice Bronte jigsaw puzzle so we spent some time on that today - rather beautiful design. That will keep us busy until next year. 

Watched Glass Onion with Daniel Craig tonight. Very very good. Whoever thought this one up was a wicked genius.

Latest podcast published today. I’ve done the math on public sector pay vs billionaire wealth. You can hear the facts here 


Happy boxing day everyone.

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