
We finished off Christmas Day by watching Oppenheimer: not a particularly seasonal choice, but an excellent film.
Then this morning dawned clear and sunny.  After breakfast I got out into the garden for a blissful hour or so of pruning and planting out a few small potted plants that were beginning to look a  bit potbound.   
Erin (R's niece who's with us for Christmas) has a number of health difficulties that make going out for walks impossible. So we settled on the option of an afternoon trip to the cinema. We took a chance on Rye Lane, having read some complimentary reviews. What a lovely film - I really recommend it to anyone looking for something that's sweet, witty and visually exciting.  It made me want to visit London again - something I've not felt, or thought about, for years.
Jack, Ruth and families will all be home during tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward to some catch-up time with them all.

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