
By studiob

Father's Day Puzzle

This picture contains the following MALES:

Three fathers.

Two grandfathers.

A grandfather-in-law.

Two father-in-laws.

Two son-in-laws.

Two cousins.

Two cousin-in-laws.

Two grandsons.

One great-grandson.

One grandson-in-law.

One great-grandfather.

One uncle.

One nephew.

One son.

One unnamed male trying to get on the back of the Pink Cadillac.

Can you figure it out?

This was taken at the food court outside the movie theater after we saw the movie, "Up".

A FABULOUS movie that you have to see!!!

I would love to say more about it, but don't want to give too much away. It's HOT in Oklahoma, so inside in the cool was a good place to be. Not all of our family could be there and we missed those who weren't with us.

The quality of the picture isn't very good. I'm new to my DSLR and somehow the self-timer turned on in my purse when we were in the movie and I wasn't sure how to turn it off. It took me a few minutes to figure out what was happening. So sadly, the pictures aren't very focused.

I thought about taking something else that would be more focused, but how often is it Father's Day that's celebrated by four generations?

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