Geocache maintenance

The weather wasn't too bad today so I went off this morning to sort 4 of my geocaches out.
First of all, I went to Sherdley Park to replace 3 in the series I have there and I was disappointed to discover that I had left my phone at home so couldn't take any photos. Had a nice little walk around though.
Set off to go to the 1 at Carr Mill Dam which is a bonus cache for an adventure lab of mine but called home first for the phone so I could get a blip while there.
Parked up quite close to my cache - exchanged it for a new container as the original is a bit wet inside.
Took a few photos of the lake then off home. 
Hope you all have a lovely Christmas - I'm wishing it for everyone now as I am aware that some people celebrate Christmas tomorrow (like my brother Andy and his family in Sweden).
Merry Christmas!

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