At Ruth's Place

A display on Ruth's fridge.  A window into her world.  Illuminative in lots of ways, the panel reproduced as an extra pic is as good an explanation of autism as any.

We've had a busy and productive day.  A happy one too :-)   At 9am, an appointment with a gastroenterology consultant felt a bit early in the day but it was very helpful.  In short, he thinks there may be more to the problem even than what is already diagnosed.  Lots of tests done today, one of which meant I had to return a sample to the hospital later on and a CT is scan ordered asap, probably early January.   The great thing for Ruth is that the investigation encompasses some things that have long been a problem as well as the bigger current issues.  If they can get to the bottom of it all there's hope of sustained better health all round.

I also made two supermarket trips, one with Ruth, collected a number of panes of glass offered on Freegle which Ruth hopes will make cold frames and took both R & J plus wheelchairs to the local Zero Waste shop.   Oh, I also had a snooze on the sofa half way through all that.   Just as well!!   We all enjoyed a tasty buffet tea before I headed off to a Travelodge for the night.  Last night I slept on Ruth's sofa as we had an early start.  Tonight, in a proper bed, I will sleep better and longer!

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