
The crumbs on this fluffy greenfinch’s beak are remnants of peanut kernels from the nearby feeder. He spent some time sitting quite still on the edge of the bird bath, maybe either digesting his lunch or pondering on the state of the universe, before diving deep down for a drink to slake his thirst.

I’ve had a bit of a frustrating day trying to get hold of more eye drops for Smithers. His condition is classed as acute and therefore he doesn’t qualify for a repeat prescription. However, his consultant nags him to ‘make sure you keep administering the drops!'. This means that every time I want more drops I have to ask a GP to prescribe them for him via the surgery’s eConsult website, because they aren’t on Smithers’ regular prescription list. I duly requested some more on Monday because, although we had enough left for about a couple of weeks, I didn’t want to take it to the wire.

Having heard nothing by this morning, I rang the pharmacy and the doctors’ surgery, but couldn’t get through to either of them ("Please hang up!" said a voice on the surgery answerphone after I’d been waiting a while). So I walked to the surgery and was told that the prescription had been sent to the pharmacy yesterday. Then when I arrived at the pharmacy they said it wasn’t ready, but that we could collect it later today. 

Smithers finally went down and picked the drops up this afternoon, so we got them just in time before everything shuts until 27th December. Nursey is feeling very relieved.

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