Christmas abstract

Its been a very windy day..  I was off to the water fitness class and what fun we had.  It was like a party.  It was all Christmas songs with lots of dancing and games.  We all had 4 small balls we had to keep on the surface of the water together but not touch them as we raced to the finishing line.  We used toggles to capture the balls in teams and even did a routine where we twirled around with our arms in the air like the ballet dancer on the top of musical jewellery boxes.  Great fun.  

After this it was back to all the last minute cooking items, wrapping presents etc and this has kept me busy all evening as well.  We had a video from out daughter of our youngest grandson who has managed to crawl.  You can see the effort and determination involved as he drags himself towards a toy.  He reaches this grabs it, takes a rest and then heads past it to the next toy.  I suppose we all did this but it is interesting to see how babies develop and the effort involved.

I took a few shots of the Christmas tree for todays Abstract Thursday.

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