Christmas Shopping (Part 2)

A second visit to Lancaster in less than 24 hours. Last night was to see Footlights Panto - Sleeping Beauty. A great family show with some fine individual performances. A very different style of show to our own pantomime, with more emphasis on colourful song and dance routines. Not better or worse, just different.
This afternoon it was to try and find a Christmas present for me. We failed to achieve this, but did manage to get most of the food items we couldn’t get yesterday. And, when we arrived in the car park, the people next to us were just departing and gave us their ticket which still had two hours left on it. Maybe the Christmas spirit is alive and well after all.
Determined not to have to go shopping again tomorrow, I called into Asda on the way home in the hope of tracking down those last few food items. And found them - hooray! Unfortunately, when I got home I discovered I should have got some milk as well, so will have to go to the shops tomorrow after all - Boo!
The big wheel looked superb last night, all lit up, but it wasn’t even turning this afternoon, no doubt due to the high winds that swept across the North West today. They were certainly strong enough to dislodge another fence panel in our garden. I will check it when the wind dies down, in the hope that it can be wedged back into place - I really don’t want to have to try and get a replacement two days before Christmas!

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