Mono Monday: Week 517 ...

... lines.

We returned from our vacation late last night so today has been a busy one.  Bags were unpacked last night but the laundry still needs to be done.  Thankfully Sadly, the clothes we took to Southern California are not ones we will be needing here in the Northeast!  

We had a great time in SoCal and I will be slowly working through my vacation pictures.  But I promise to have them up before the end of the year.  I was working on some this afternoon but ran into a problem when I ran out of space on this laptop!  Richard came to my rescue ... backing up some of my pictures from the past two years so that we could make space for more. 

The photo above was taken whilst we were on our way to the grocery store this evening.  The color version can be found in Extras ... which I think I prefer.  Thanks to Kd (Kathy) for hosting Mono Monday this month.  

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