Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Hunter ordering his Christmas Dinner!!

The Feast Day of St Urban V. 1352.
We have cold, blue skied weather.
I got to musing over what a cat might order online if they could treat themselves to a nice Christmas present or one for their friends.
The charity called Happy Cats in Accrington where we got our cats from, have travelled up to Scotland with a cat called Blitzen who is being re located and homed up there.
Hunter is quivering with delight as he watches from indoors, five hungry pigeons eat some food on the lawn. Holly is having tinned tuna for lunch, just as a treat.
Earlier I bought the newspaper and then after my breakfast, took a Christmas card to the people who lived here before us.
I walked down to the High St to collect my BP prescription and Statins.
I was delighted when Paul returned home with a guitar for me. He is going to teach me some notes and chords. My nails have been suitably trimmed. We started with A Major. It will be lovely to learn the guitar. The cats sniffed the wood and looks intrigued.
Have a lovely Tuesday and thank you for dropping by.

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