Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Santa Paws and Feliz Navide join the 'gang'

Beau was very good and very cosy last night. He's also starting to understanding the concept of sharing a bed!

I joined the Love Life Drawing Co-Drawing session this morning which was nice as just a small group today. After that Beau and I walked into Thornbury to take a Christmas card to Del (the funeral director). She loves Beau and vice versa.

Back home for lunch and then we curled up and watched some Netflix, finished the Wham documentary and watched Mark Cavendish which were both very good. Beckham was also very good, and watching Robbie Williams this evening. More interesting than I expected to be.

Elf and Safety were keeping a low profile today as Beau has every toy out yesterday evening and they were worried they may get mistaken for a squeaky toy. They climbed into the Christmas tree and said while they were there they would hang up the Gromit decorations I bought on Saturday. Myself and Mr T would always buy decorations on our travels. The tree had a collection of John Lewis bears, ornaments from Disney, American national parks, Monaco, France, Austria and Germany.

Beau is back home now, but his company was very nice today, and he was very good.

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