Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

This day.... 
It started with me missing my bus because I'd forgot to charge the key 'tab' and I couldn't lock my door. I did take the opportunity to throw away some cardboard boxes standing in the hallway. 
Then I got off the bus and started making my way through the forest. Slippery and wet, because we have warmer temperatures now and the snow is melting. When I was walking on the last path through the forest, before I come out behind work, I passed by a large fir tree. I heard some strange noises beside me and almost jumped when I saw a person standing inside the fir, between the branches, not making a sound, other than pine needles on her jacker. I said hello, and you scared me, but she didn't make a sound... So I continued to work.
I worked with making tags and stamping fir cones and then I was attacked... by a mosquito... in December... I had to take a photo, otherwise I don't think people would believe me!
I ended my day and made my way to the bus, slippery and wet still. At the bus stop I waited on the other side of the footpath for my bus, while two other busses passed by. Then only my bus was left, so I stod at the bus stop, by the road. I heard a noise behind me and an older man stood there. He asked me about bus nr 7, and I said it passed a couple of minutes ago, but there's a new one soon. He wanted to know what time it was, and I told him that it was around half past 1. For some reason I didn't want to take up my phone and look again, don't know why, but I trust my gut feeling.
We looked at the time table for bus 7 and it would arrive later than mine. He said 'You have a long braid', so I answered 'Long hair'. Then he wanted to know if I braided it wet, and I said no I don't. Then he said it would take long time for it to get dry if I don't use a hair dryer. I said I don't use a hair dryer and got the answer that then you'll have to wait. It was creepy to get so many questions about my hair... He also asked if I'd missed my bus too, but I told him no.
Finally my bus arrived and I couldn't get on it fast enough... I sat down on a single seat and as I suspected, the old man went on the same bus as me. He did get off at the next bus stop when he realised that the bus went in the wrong direction from where he was going, and I saw in the window that he looked at me just before leaving the bus. Such a creepy being! I think I'll keep my braid inside my jacket from now on... 
When I got home I had a postcard from a friend in the US waiting for me. Made my day! :) I'm sending her one too, after Christmas. :)

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