Party Time

The two 'silent guests' in the picture were the two dogs, Trixie and Spike who were both under the table. Dan and Tobi said this was Trixie's first play date and we all deemed it a success not because they played much but they got along. Trixie was a model guest and spike was reasonably willing to give up his bid for attention fairly early on. Credit to Gail for setting up her phone on a timer.and getting this picture.

The artificial candles wouldn't light and I forgot to put on the Christmas music, but it didn't matter. We had real tea lights on the table, the crackers were a success the jokes in the crackers were groaningly bad and John got the best 'toy', a tiny slingshot type thing that sent equally tiny little discs whizzing around the tale. Bob got a tiny comb that matched his shirt and made a better mustache than comb. Many home baked goodies were exchanged and we all had a good time.

I cycled through The Great Barrier Reef Island in New Zealand and Zurich today. My cheap inexpensive bike is supposed to arrive on Wednesday but I've heard nothing about it. I will definitely be spoiled by riding Dana's Peloton as this one , should it arrive, will have no scenic rides through anywhere! I hadn't planned on it but I got a start on binding the quilt for our bed today. It's been cold at night and we could definitely use it.

Today is Will's birthday and he has requested pizza and good wine for his birthday dinner. It is threatening to rain, so I don't know if Jim will want to use the pizza oven we got him for Christmas last year, but I can guarantee that he will make the pizza dough from scratch and that it will be delicious. 

I remember when Will was born in a Chicago suburb 26 years ago. I had been there for five weeks waiting for it and they finally had to induce labor to convince him to come out, but it was a happy occasion indeed. Because it was so close to Christmas John and the boys flew out and joined us for Christmas with Dana, Jim and Will. One of the better Christmas presents ever. I put a picture of Will and his cousin Julia in extras.

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