Santa Fun-Run 2023

Every year Lincoln has a Santa Fun-Run, organised by the Rotary club to raise funds for various charities. It is always an entertaining event to watch and for those so inclined, to take part in. 

Bri and I decided to have a wander up there to take photos . 

I especially love to see the dogs and people who seem to go the extra mile with their costumes. Some probably went the extra mile in more ways than one. 

The idea was to do one lap of the course or two, heading in a different direction from the point we were standing to head for the finish after lap one, or turning this corner to head round for another go. The steward, who seemed to enjoy having "official capacity" was quite confusing with his instructions though and some of the two-lappers were inadvertently sent for a third...I think there were some who chose to go round more than twice too. 

There are extras of a bunch of dogs and someone who went to town costume-wise!

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