The Leap...

Miss handed me a post-it note full of jobs "to be done" and like a good lad I went off and did a few of them... not all of them, of course - that would be foolish and reckless and probably lead to the use of the larger post-it format in future... ;-)

But by the time I nipped out for a blip the light was fading. I drove up to Frampton on Severn, home of the longest village green in England, and walked around the lakes in the Frampton estate. There is apparently a northern diver somewhere up there but I didn't see it.

I did enjoy trying to get as close as possible to this heron, who was standing on the boat slipway casually keeping an eye on me. As I hit her point of panic I grabbed this shot, which almost fills the frame.

Stop here if you don't do politics. (Can you not do politics?). An observation:

Shooting hostages is poor practice. Shooting hostages who are your own people is particularly poor practice. But shooting hostages who were waving a white flag might explain a lot about the practice of some forces...

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