Scilla, Calabria

Scylla was the daughter of the river god Crataeis and was loved by Glaucus, but Glaucus himself was also loved by the sorceress Circe. While Scylla was bathing in the sea, the jealous Circe poured a potion into the sea water which caused Scylla to transform into a monster with four eyes, six long necks equipped with grisly heads, each of which contained three rows of sharp teeth. Her body consisted of twelve tentacle-like legs and a cat's tail while four to six dog-heads ringed her waist. In this form she attacked the ships of passing sailors, seizing one of the crew with each of her heads.

On the other side of the Straits of Messina was another monster, Charybidis. Sailors who tried to avoid one were attacked by the other!

Scylla came from this place, and have her name to the town of Scilla. Visited today. 34c! Beautiful spot.....

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