From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Time for some rhythm?

Sorry this is a quick blip. I'll catch up later as I'm going to see Rod Stewart up the road tonight. I thought I might as well while he is still kicking eh? Seriously, I've never known anyone say they had a bad time at one of his concerts. Dad would have loved it too.

Anyway, what did I do today? McDonalds on the way in as usual for my early cup of tea. One elderly gentleman sat at a table near me was alarmingly shuffling up and down and humming. No, it wan't Rod living it up in Solihull McDonalds before anyone asks. Anyway, I didn't hang around long as the weather was good and there was a load of market stalls setting up in the High Street so I thought I'd have a glance on my way up. Nothing wild to report there although there was a Bratwurst stall being unveiled opposite Laura Ashley and I resolved to come back later for a big sausage. As it transpired I went for a walk in Malvern Park at lunchtime to catch a bit of sunshine and have a lovely chat so ran out of time.

Cheese and onion sandwich was my lunch. I had a fried egg toastie from the catering section earlier so I was OK.

Good news! My function is now working properly and I can rebuild some leavers' reports tomorrow and Friday which were previously bringing out ancient leavers and their assignments. Phew!

I decided to walk down the canal on the way home. I didn't go too far as I knew I was a bit limited time wise tonight. Chowder is bubbling away.

The picture is very similar to one I did a couple of months ago. Apologies but it still looks a nice angle and the man is a different one to last time.

Track? It has to be a bit of Rod, doesn't it? I like this one as my rhythm is pretty good these days! - The Rhythm of My Heart

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