Another Christmas decoration...

... in my back yard! A pair of cardinals...

The male cardinal is such a beloved image of winter here..the dash of red in a white landscape..featured on Christmas cards and also popular as a Christmas ornament on the tree. The arrival of this pair of cardinals at the feeders was a real treat and a blip that flew in just at the right time!  (Might have had something to do with the fact that I finally filled those feeders this morning?)

Today was my second consecutive day of no commitments elsewhere, so I spent the most of the day at home working, at last, on Christmas cards, shopping and wrapping gifts, as for the rest of the week, my calendar is pretty filled up. I topped off the day with a visit to the post office to finally get some Christmas things in the mail..It is shocking how quickly Christmas Day has crept up on me!  I do hope I am not too late for timely mail deliveries.. but if I am...will the world end? 


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