Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Phew, time for a rest after a busy day! I say day but I didn't really get going till about 11. 30 at which point I headed over to Ali's, to walk the pug at lunchtime for them. He was very happy to see me.
From there I went cross country, firstly to Fort Kinnaird to go to the Fatface stop. I popped into Leith Collective too, hoping to say hallo to blipper Nadinepierce but she wasn't around. I also dropped off a couple of coats to the donation rail while I was there . There was quite a good supply so hopefully all those who need one will be able to get one and stay warm.
From there I popped up to Willowbrae to drop off some bulbs for my friend. Yellow hyacinths, she gave me some 29 years ago when we moved into this house and it was the first time I remember seeing them in that colour.
I headed home next and got stuck into Christmas. I got the cakes marzipanned, "cakes" in plural because I had so much missed left over that I made an extra smaller cake with it -that's what comes off adding too many extra nuts and cherries! It's the same diameter as the other but only a couple of inches high. I may decide it's a better shape after trying it and make them that shape in future.
Next I made cranberry sauce. I got a couple of jars full from the berries I'd bought. I may make another set. I like it through the year too, on brie and cranberry sandwiches as well as with roast chicken and home made is so much nicer.
For dinner, I boiled up a small gammon joint which I'd bought at the weekend. We had it with cauliflower cheese and chips, one of our favourite comfort meals - the ham is delicious freshly boiled like that. I usually give it 10 minutes in the oven just to finish it off and dry it out a little. There's lots left for sandwiches etc over the next couple of days.
My Blip today was in the garden, I was happy to see some white Christmas roses in flower amongst their yellowing foliage. I was less pleased to see greenfly on them. Clearly the aphids have not read about their life cycle.

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