Something old....
First in series of four 'continuing themed' Blips, this is Igor pictured together with the card that hung on his cage at the animal rescue home way back in 1999. (Hence the 'old').
It states his adopted name (Tijgertje = little tiger), his age at the time (approximately 7 months old), his breed, male/female (it's a boy!)
It also states if he doesn't feel comfortable being with dogs, and the last, and most important item 'special details'. The comment here, lief means sweet.
Earlier this week I went back to my old home to pick up the last of my things before the place is sold.
I didn't come away with as many personal possessions as I'd have liked. I have Igor though, and that's nice.
I did obtain a file full of old documents, seeing Igor's card again made me smile, and the word lief stood out.
I love the word lief, not only do I use it a lot to acknowledge a kindness, it forms the basis of geliefd (to be loved, beloved, cherished).
Several people have been wonderful, really supportive for a long time, and in particular this past week.
One could use the word Lief to describe them.
After a long period of disliking myself, I'm slowly starting to believe that perhaps I should start cherising myself instead. It's a good feeling.
Last night I met Regine for a few, ahem, drinks, and when my eye fell upon her tattoo, I made a link and immediately knew what today's Blip was going to be.
I didn't tell her of my intentions, and when I saw her Blip entry for today, I smiled!
A lovely coincidence. How lief!
She is too :)
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