Happy Christmas from Xena
Poor dog, because her mum is lacking inspiration for photography in this wet and miserable weather, she had to play model today and be subjected to this ridiculous pose! Actually she is so wonderfully compliant, she sat there for ages and only got down when I said I was done. She did get a treat afterwards.
We had a walk in light rain this morning, the type where you don't really notice it is raining but when you get back to the car you realise your jacket is pretty wet. Then a mad rush to wash and dry Xena, hang up the washing (in the boiler room, not outside!) make a coffee and get to golf. I have had a very sore elbow for a couple of weeks now and last night I realised it is golfer's elbow, perhaps caused by golf but certainly exacerbated by using too heavy weights and from carrying too heavy shopping. I should not have gone to golf today as ideally it needs resting but this would be my last session until the new year so I went, and we did a session on increasing ball speed when using a driver. It was a great session but my elbow is pretty sore now. I found some physio treatment videos for it on an NHS website so I will start doing those.
After golf I went directly to the hairdresser, so by the time I got home it was 2.50pm so I had a rather late lunch. Luckily I made some home made soup yesterday so I had that to eat.
It has been raining all day and has got rather cold again - I am looking forward to the winter solstice when we can start noticing incrementally increasing longer days again from then onwards.
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