Dusk walk

I’m not really expecting to go out today. The weather’s dull, and I’m embroiled in sorting out the house - piles of papers need clearing, the unused decorations need to be put away, laundry awaits …..

Then G, returning from his retirees’ Christmas lunch, suggests an outing, and we head west following the pastel colours in the sky. It’s so long since I’ve seen a sunset, I’d not realised that now the sun goes down so early - so it’s a case of hunting remnants from the main event. 

We end up in Llanfairfechan and by now the impending darkness suggests photo opportunities will be few and far between. But I’m so wrong. I really love the way nature always surprises, and how just spending time to watch and look brings such rewards. 

G strides off along the coastal path while I look out across the lake at golden reflections from the sky, or gaze out over the darkening sands at golden streams of water etched across this watery landscape like a natural kintsugi. 

The sky is clear, indigo above, bleeding to golds and orange at the horizon, with almost imperceptibly pink rays radiating from the horizon - God’s fingers pointing heavenward. There is nothing spectacular in this, just gentle beauty enhanced by the cries of oyster catchers and curlew from the distant shore. 

My main’s a tree - a rarity along the coastal path - against the darkening sky, with other views in extras. 

Thanks so much for your kind comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s West Shore sky - very much appreciated. 

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