For MonoMonday. Who is this creature prowling the back yard?
Thanks very much for all the hearts and stars for this little guy on Saturday, I hope I managed to thank everyone individually, but if not know how appreciated each and every one was. He remains a ray of sunshine and a beast for playing fetch. He seems to feel safer and freer in the confines of the back yard while Myles really didn't like it. Myles was used to running in the forests of New Hampshire and this was too confining. I'm glad that Jo-Jo seems to be content and happy!
In other news, the cookie baking has begun with 2 batches in the freezer and more to come.. The new guy doesn't realize he can get handouts yet, so he hasn't started begging in earnest. Trying to avoid that as Myles was incorrigible in that regard. Our fault.
Thanks to kd for hosting MM.
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