Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Over the weekend I'd been feeling light headed. Not dizzy, though - just having to be being careful when moving about and taking my time, being  extra careful when bending down to pick up dog poo etc... So I rang the surgery this morning and got an early appointment. The doc tested my blood pressure, and all the usual things, then sent me to the Western General Hospital, to the SDEC Department (Same Day Emergency Care). Where, amazingly enough, with my fairly chequered medical history, I have never been! Once again, I was delighted to be able to get the bus there and back. And i was there on time, 9.45.

The usual blood tests, ecg, blood pressure sitting, standing and a new one - lying. There was tea and coffee and biscuits available. And a wee while later, a doctor came to chat with me. Stop those heart pills. 'But I've been taking them for ages'.

But she could see right away what was going on, because my blood samples were all good, it must be the pills (a known side effect). I was very very pleased that it was easily solved!

Back home to help JR get organised for tomorrow's lunch. Though truth be told, she doesn't really need me, but she gives me wee jobs to do to make me feel useful. I have done a very tasteful job on hanging some sparkly lights.

Elizabeth suggested that Archie stays tonight at her place, so that we don't have to take him out for a walk tomorrow, as we'll be in a panic busy. How kind.

JR took him out this morning when she came home from the gym, and they met this odd little chap. Archie was not sure about him at all...

Photo by JR

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