A tentative start

I went out for an hour or so this morning to the local shops in Stockbridge to make a bit of a start on the Christmassy stuff. Since I’ve received a few cards, the first stop was to buy some, to at least pretend I was going to write a few. Don’t know why it always takes me so long, and the good intentions of writing a few words tend to evaporate after the first couple. Doesn’t help that I find I’ve only got 3 stamps and going to the post office tomorrow doesn’t appeal. I just don’t think I’ll have the time. Anyway, after that I had a wander round some of the other shops, including this lovely one down the wee alley. It always has lovely fairtrade jewellery and crafts to admire. I didn’t actually buy anything this time, but I may be back soon! It’s nice for decorations too - photos in extras.

I did manage to buy a scarf as a present in another shop ( plus some gloves for myself that I couldn’t resist!) and also a couple of books in the Oxfam bookshop which look like they’ve never been read. That’ll do for a Secret Santa I have to do. I had wondered if the Oxfam shop would be open, as they were closed on Friday, Saturday due to industrial action, but I heard the guy behind the counter saying that a better offer had been made to the workers which they were considering and industrial action was suspended in the meantime. Let’s hope they get it sorted - poverty wages to people fighting poverty is not a good look.

I managed to get back home just as the rain started and it’s looking pretty miserable again now.

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