
By TonyG


Ruth has been busy making Christmas Wreaths using a mix of garden leaf and pieces bought from the local grocery.   She's also used bamboo from her garden to make the hoop into which the greenery is woven.  Lovely creations!

Taking it gently, I left home a little later than planned this morning but that was probably a good move journey-wise as the M54 was closed for an hour this morning while an accident blockage was cleared.  I passed through with a delay of only ten minutes as the backlog of traffic cleared.  A lot of water on  the roads in Wales and driving through heavy rain.  The skies cleared as I headed into England but there's a fierce wind blowing tonight as I write.

A quiet afternoon at Ruth's.  A dog walk and a sleep in my case, my face still very sore despite full pain relief.  Tomorrow I am off to a gig in Coventry in the afternoon.  Monday I'm off to give a talk in Wilmslow in the evening.  Great to have a daughter to visit who lives in a convenient location :-)

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