By greengirl


Our first choir (Cairn Chorus) concert this evening, at Thomas Tosh in Thornhill. I snuck out to take this pic while a small group sang this song. Before the concert and in the interval, we were able to look around this wonderful emporium of delights and to do some Christmas shopping :-)
Tomorrow the choir will sing at Loch Arthur at 3pm (without me) and at St George's Church Hall in Dumfries at 7.30pm, then on Sunday in Dunscore Church at 2pm.

Sarah and Chris ran in Mabie Forest this morning with our friend Ian. Jess was supposed to walk with me but she insisted on doing the run instead so I did 5 miles on my own around the Brown Trail. It rained on and off but we all enjoyed being outside anyway. I didn't see a single other person all the way around..

I apologise for the lack of comments on your journals this week. I'm hoping to catch up soon!

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