Kenny G and Wheeling

The neighbor (son of the elderly neighbor we visit) needed help putting a new refrigerator and stove in his kitchen. Hubby and our BIL set the time for 9:30. My sister and I decided to give his mother her Christmas gifts at the same time since they live beside each other. Both were quite appreciative. Lester is still undergoing chemo treatments so he is really unable to lift. We came home and made lunch with leftovers. The last visit of the year is always hard in many ways. Each of us helped prepare the house for the winter. The heat will be turned off, pipes drained and filled with antifreeze and packaged goods stored securely. We take home all opened condiments. We did laundry, separated the stuff we are each taking home from the refrigerator and freezer so moving it to coolers will be quick. I think we may come back in February, weather permitting. We had a bit of time after showers to read, and for me, to write up my blip. Then we’ll be heading to dinner and the Kenny G concert at 7:00 pm in Wheeling. I’ll be able to get a quick photo and publish my blip before it gets too late. This Christmas gift will be the highlight of our WV visit for sure. I have most of his CD’s but have not seen him at a concert. As you can see, he began his concert in the audience. Love his music. Skylar’s last day in Frostburg is 14 December. My daughter will be having her finals next week also so she will be unable to pack Sky up and bring all her stuff home. Hubby and I are free that day so we have volunteered to go up. She is taking as much as she can this weekend; we won’t be stopping there on Saturday which will give us more time in Baltimore. Things always seem to work out for the best. Hope you find this true in your lives as well. Stay safe. Thanks for your visits, stars and sweet comments. “A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and on stage.” - Elvis Presley

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