Every day I have been here I have played scrabble and lost every time because Judy is a scrabble fiend and knows all the two letter words and can make amazing scores with very few letters! We went to the David lloyd leisure centre today and swam! First length was tough on breaststroke and back stroke on the return. On second length up I took 70 breast strokes and on third length up I took 65 breast strokes! Pleased with a small improvement! We went home for lunch and had the remains of the salmon en croute!
After lunch we started the scrabble and then stopped so that I could reflex Judy’s feet. She has chill blains one of which looks very unpleasant so she will phone the doctor in the morning to see if she can be seen! Freddie cooked a great chicken curry from scratch for me and himself and a quorum and vegetable curry for Judy! That should read quorn! Moving on tomorrow afternoon and will be sad to go!
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