Waves. AT441

Did a bit of faffing with PSExpress with a shot of the waves on Ardross beach. You can just make out Berwick Law in the centre at the top.
What a wet, windy day here.
When I drove home in the dark at teatime last night I realised that a few yards from my drive there was a burst in the newly surfaced road. It was only done a couple of months ago, but a water main had burst and forced up the new tarmac. The water was rushing down the road into the nearest drain. I notified the council, and within 3 hours the water board were out to check it out. They were back first thing this morning and have been working on it all day, with the road closed. The speed of their response has restored my faith in public services. The poor men are working in such rotten weather, and now in the dark, of course.

Geordie and I have had an indoor day. It’s rare for us not to have at least one walk, but Geordie isn’t grumbling. He hasn’t even been out to the garden since first thing this morning. He just looks out and reverses back in. Not that I blame him.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

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