Longcliffe Golf Club

The venue for the Oaks in Charnwood tennis club Christmas lunch. As you can see, the links were frost coated even in the early afternoon after a very cold night. That is set to change as rain moves in from the southwest.

A cracking gin and tonic to begin and then we sat down to an excellent repast. The spicy parsnip soup was outstanding but the parsnips that came with the main course were undercooked. That was the only glitch in the meal.

Len had turkey with trimmings followed by Christmas pud. I had a piece of salmon  with Eton Mess afterwards.

This evening saw the second candidate for Charnwood Voices choir director come to see us. He had a bit of Rizz. We did manage to sing O Magnum Mysterium by Morton Lauridsen which is exquisite. It was the first time I'd sung it.

Sadly, Mr Lauridsen is dying of cancer in upstate New York but can't get medical aid because he does not have health insurance. Mind you, he does own an island and perhaps he could sell that.

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