
By helenann

Pyramid of Teddies

The members  of our local WI have been busy  knitting another  creation to adorn our post box. This time the teddies (and dogs!) are for a good cause called teddies for tragedies to be given to children suffering throughout the world.See this link:  teddies for tragedies  for patterns  for knitting  or crocheting a bear. 

This morning we each finished and posted on line our submissions to the local council with  our objections to the planning application to develop the site of a nearby disused army camp, which is on, and surrounded by, chalk downland.  The outline plans for  a "knowledge quarter" are so ill-defined, yet seem to grow in size  and  scale, whenever  more details are released, so as to be very concerning to us.        

This evening we attended the  Winchester Cafe Scientifique meeting which was a talk about the importance of  protecting Sea Grass Meadows around our  coasts, especially the Solent.  The speakers were from  the Hampshire  and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and they explained how they  are trying  to regenerate damaged  meadows  by  collecting  seed from plants in existing meadows and sowing the seeds in the intertidal sea bed or germinating  the seeds in the  lab and planting out the seedlings. They also try to educate  seafaring people how not to damage the meadows with their boats and anchors.
It was a really interesting and informative evening .    

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