
By fitzbilly

Palm Leaves

The way the weather is looking today I suspect a few of us will be looking for indoor layers for Mono Monday.

My offering is a film noir edit of these palm leaves. This plant has featured a few times on here in the past. It is getting quite big now. Probably the only photo I will take today.

Camera club this evening - judging!

Today's coffee is Karambi Honey, from Rwanda. Apparently produced by a collective of over 755 farmers. I wonder if any are asylum seekers. Teddy bears behind the door of mrsfb's calendar.

One year ago:
I was watching the cricket yesterday evening when daughter#2's Skype came in. I wasn't bothered as England were way on top. I missed the rest of the game but when I checked the West Indies had pulled off a remarkable win. We do seem to have become quite rubbish at cricket these days.

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