Where's the brass?

Gateway orchestra Christmas concert this afternoon.  Photo taken during the short gap between the rehearsal and the concert.

We spent the morning clearing stuff out of the garden room and dining room - our painters will be here at 0800 tomorrow morning.

Then I went into Wexford for a rehearsal followed by the concert.  W didn't come with me - he would have had to twiddle his thumbs in Wexford for several hours, for a concert of purely Christmas music.  Instead, he continued to work on fitting out the coat cupboard in the utility room.  It now has hooks along the back and on each side - a more convenient, and easier to use, area than the hanging rack that was there before.

The concert was well attended, and seemed to go quite well.  But I'm not sorry to put away that music till next autumn and hope for some more "classical" type music for the summer.

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