Place: Largo, FL 69/82
Main activity: Sun - bike, pool, around the house, hot & humid
Notes: Woke 4a so a little better. Quite warm and sticky - think morning fog and humidity near 100% (without raining). Headed out on bike ~630a, still a bit dark but not for long. Had to remove glasses as they just kept fogging up and everything was damp by the time I got back. this purple really stood out in the gray and green of everything else. Decided to dip in the pool, has been awhile since I was in it and then took a hot shower, did a load of laundry. Coffee and Sun shows, talked to Nancy a couple times as she'd call after a text or when she was driving. Watched some football - Broncos had a chance to win at very end and blew it. Also went thru bathroom stuff and some of the blue bins (feeling the need to get packing). The hot and humid day kept making me turn the AC on for a bit ... and then another quick rinse in the evening. Talked to Jo on Zoom ~420p till 530p or so. Little rain came thru but brief and we didn't get much. Watched some football and to bed early.

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