Pen-blwydd(i) hapus i chi (i gyd)

Pen-blwydd(i) hapus i chi (i gyd) ~ Happy birthday(s) to you (all)

“Many candles can be kindled from one candle without diminishing it.”
― The Midrash

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Roedd amser gwych gyda ni gyda'r teulu yn y Rhath. Roedd tri phen-blwydd ar unwaith - Steph, Sam a Zoe. Roedd Linda ac Adrian (mam a thad Steph), a Caitlin a Martin (chwaer Steph a'i gŵr) yna hefyd. Mae Caitlin yn gogydd gwych a gwnaeth hi'r trên gyda thair cacen. Roedd pawb wrth eu bodd gyda'r canlyniad a doedd dim llawer o'r trên yn gadael ar ddiwedd y parti.

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We had a great time with the family in Roath. There were three birthdays at once - Steph, Sam and Zoe. Linda and Adrian (Steph's mum and dad), and Caitlin and Martin (Steph's sister and her husband) were also there. Caitlin is a great cook and she made the train with three cakes. Everyone was delighted with the result and not much of the train left at the end of the party.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Tri o bobl a chacen penblwydd ar siâp trên
Description (English): Three people and a birthday cake in the shape of a train

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