Where The F*@! Are My Glasses?, London

I was expecting today to be relatively quiet work wise but it turned out to be anything but in the end. My morning was consumed by shooting some urgent images of artworks for a New York sale deadline back in my old studio. The works themselves were actually on display in the galleries upstairs so had to come down one by one to be shot framed and unframed and then go straight back up and on to the walls. Luckily, by lunchtime I managed, with of course the help of the ever helpful technicians, to get all the shots done. I then took a short trip to get some bits and bobs from Marks & Sparks, including a small bottle of wine to consume on the train home (my Friday treat to mark the end of the working week).
The afternoon involved moving back to the horrible little studio and then embarking on more gallery photography for a couple of hours before a "walk round" with the Big Boss to confirm what would still need to be shot on Monday and Tuesday (which turns out to be quite a lot!). At some point in proceedings I realised I had mislaid my glasses. I looked in my old studio, I looked in the horrible little studio, I looked in the location room (where the canon R5s and lenses are stored that we use for gallery and location photography), I looked everywhere I could think of - nothing. At this point I began to panic a wee bit. It was only when I went to retreive my M & S purchases from the fridge freezer in the post room (no idea why there are industrial sized fridges in there!) that I found them there in the shopping bag! Big sigh of relief.
The trains home were both half empty (bliss) and I enjoyed my wine all the more having found my spectacles when I thought all was lost. The day ended with a lovely cold pint in a very noisy pub with my brother.

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