Flower Friday. : : Pitcher Plant

This is the most amazing plant. During the summer it was out in the sun and all the 'pitchers' turned brown. We thought that would probably be the end of it, but we consulted with the guy we bought it from at the farmers' market and he told us to cut off all the brown stuff. We were left with a pot full of leaves, so we shoved it under the eaves and forgot about it. It's planted directly into a reservoir of water with nothing but peat moss around so all it asks for is for the reservoir to be filled up once in awhile. After a couple of months a lot of the leaves turned into these vibrantly colored flowers. It's a wonderful plant to keep somewhere where it can be seen from the house as it is so interesting.

We met Dan and Tobi's new dog, Trixie, at Trail House this morning. She sat on Dan's lap most of the time, shaking timidly at first, but soon got used to us and got down to come around and greet each of us, including Spike. Spike actually behaved himself for marginally longer before he wound up in the car. We keep hoping he will learn to lie quietly under the table, but so far it doesn't seem to be in his DNA. Fortunately, the back of our car is his happy place.

I went over to Dana's today and rode her Peloton for 20 minutes without even turning it on. John and I used to take spin classes together regularly, but that ended when we moved here, so a bit of catching up will be required. Between the new shoes and the Peloton, my knee may reach the point where I start wondering why I'm  replacing it!

We went to our usual place to buy a Christmas tree, the nursery that is just around the corner. Like everything else these days, they were shockingly expensive, but we just aren't ready to give up on the festive decor. A friendly fellow wrestled the tree on top of the car and expertly tied it down so we made it home without incident. John, of course, was thrilled that we seemed to have the whole place to ourselves. We're not quite ready to drag our tree into the house yet, so we put it in a bucket of water outside for a few days.

I hemmed a pair of pants that were long enough for a giant and diabolically difficult because they are made from some kind of slithery, manmade fabric. I don't think I did such a great job but they're black so the somewhat wobbly looking hem doesn't show much.

This morning it was cold and clear. Tonight it is cold and rainy. Hard to believe that 2024 is predicted to be the hottest year yet on record....

Thanks as always to Biker Bear for keeping this challenge going.

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