No s**t Sherlock!

Deep frost this morning and the fields from the train were all grey with it.  Misty, ethereal skies too but as it was much less windy it didn’t feel quite as cold.  Found myself looking forward to Christmas but as I’ll be working quite late this year it’s going to be a shorter break than usual. I rather underdressed today however and as I was walking the streets a lot I ended up buying another scarf.  

Lunch at the Ivy Club with Alan over from LA for C21.   He has been quite ill with a back injury that has required surgery and rehab and is still walking very slowly.  Rushed over to W&T after lunch to pick up a ring that they were changing for me..still managed to get lost on the way from the station. 

Mopped up a few things in the office and then had dinner with Manda and Piers in Fischer’s in Marylebone.  Gorgeous, funny warm and lovely evening.  Walked to Baker St station, tipping my hat to Sherlock Holmes, I had assumed I’d have a picture of them in the restaurant but we never stopped talking long enough to think of it.  So Sherlock gets the Blip. 

The air con was working on the train, rather than the heating so it was a chilly unpleasant journey.   Didn’t help my cold but did at least keep me awake.  

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