Diwrnod arall, eglwys arall

Diwrnod arall, eglwys arall ~ Another day, another church

“A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead.”
― Graham Greene

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Aethon ni i'r Eglwys Bedyddwyr heddiw. Roedd eu Ffair Nadolig ac roedd Nor'dzin wedi bod yn cael ei gofyn i helpu ar stondin Sefydliad Merched. Roedd llawer o bobol yn helpu ar y stondin felly doedd dim angen i Nor'dzin aros. Roedd y tair neuadd yn llawn o bobl yn prynu pethau, felly gobeithio roedd pobl yn codi llawer o arian.

Mwynheuon ni'r daith cerdded i'r eglwys ac yn ôl, a mwynheais i'r cyfle i dynnu ffotograffau.

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We went to the Baptist Church today. It was their Christmas Fair and Nor'dzin had been asked to help out at the Women's Institute stand. There were many people helping at the stall so Nor'dzin didn't need to wait. All three halls were full of people buying things, so hopefully people raised a lot of money.

We enjoyed the walk to and from the church, and I enjoyed the opportunity to take photographs.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Eglwys, glaswellt a dail (amlygiad dwbl)
Description (English): Church, grass and leaves (double exposure)

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