Hudolus ~ Magical
“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Roedd diwrnod hudolus heddiw. Roedden ni wedi bwcio tocynnau i weld Jodie Maria yn perfformio yn 'The Gate' yn y Rhath. Awgrymodd Richard a Steff y galen ni treulio amser gyda nhw a'r plant cyn y cyngerdd. Aethon ni draw i'r Rhath mewn amser da i fynd i gasglu'r plant o'u hysgol. Ar y ffordd adre aethon ni i gaffi i gael cacen a siocled poeth. Roedd e'n neis i gael cyfle i rannu'r agwedd hon ar eu bywydau. I fynd i gaffi ar ffordd adre o'r ysgol pan ddych chi'n (bron) pump a (bron) saith ymddangos fel peth rhyfeddol. Aethon ni'n ôl i'w tŷ lle chwaraeon ni gemau ac yn cael cinio gyda'n gilydd cyn roedd e'n amser i fynd i'r cyngerdd.
Roedd Jodie Marie yn wych fel arfer. Heno roedd hi'n cefnogwyd hi gan dri chantor yn hytrach na'r band llawn a gweithiodd y pedwar ohonyn nhw yn dda iawn gyda'i gilydd. Mae llais pwerus gyda Jodie Marie a lenwodd hi'r neuadd gyda'i chaneuon hi. Canodd hi hen ganeuon a chaneuon newydd hefyd. Siaradodd hi am ei amser yn yr Arctig lle roedd hi'n byw gyda phobol Sami yn ystod yr nos hir. Ysgrifenodd hi ysgrifenni rhai o ganeuon fel canlyniad o ie profiad yna, ac maent yn dod â rhywbeth o awyrgylch y gogledd bell i'r neaudd cyngerdd.
Rydyn ni wedi gweld Jodie Marie bedair gwaith yn awr a byddwn ni'n hapus yn ei gweld eto ac yn ei hargymell i bawb.
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Today was a magical day. We had booked tickets to see Jodie Maria perform at 'The Gate' in Roath. Richard and Steff suggested that we could spend time with them and the children before the concert. We went over to Roath in good time to go and collect the children from their school. On the way home we went to a cafe for cake and hot chocolate. It was nice to have a chance to share this aspect of their lives. To go to a cafe on the way home from school when you are (almost) five and (almost) seven seems like an amazing thing. We went back to their house where we played games and had dinner together before it was time to go to the concert.
Jodie Marie was great as usual. Tonight she was backed by three singers rather than the full band and the four of them worked very well together. Jodie Marie has a powerful voice and she filled the hall with her songs. She sang old songs and new songs too. She spoke about her time in the Arctic where she lived with the Sami people during the long night. She wrote some songs as a result of that experience, and they bring something of the atmosphere of the far north to the concert hall.
We have seen Jodie Marie four times now and would happily see her again and recommend her to everyone.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Jodie Marie mewn cyngerdd yn Roath
Description (English): Jodie Marie in concert in Roath
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