Big Beer Monocle, Aylesford

The good news when I got into work was that the Big Boss was on holiday so there was going to be no unexpected calls or visits from him. Work was quiet and I thought I was going to have a leisurely day editing the Christmas window shots I took on Wednesday. This didn't last, though, as half an hour in up pinged an e-mail about more gallery photography so I had to bound up to the location room, get the camera gear and tripod and get cracking! I'm always a bit apprehensive when I first start (you arrive "blind" so have no idea what the gallery set up looks like) but once I get into it I'm usually fine and it does allow me to be a bit creative in the images I produce which I quite enjoy.
After a couple of hours of non stop shooting I needed a break and that's when I saw one of my colleagues who said she'd decided we should all go out for pizza at lunch as a bit of a treat. We haven't been out together for lunch as a group (there are six of us) since before the pandemic so it was such a lovely surprise. So at lunchtime we headed into Soho, and after a false start, found a branch of Franca Manca which does sourdough pizzas. We had such an enjoyable time, good conversation, a great laugh or two and excellent food. We were a tiny bit late getting back but this also meant the work afternoon was shorter - result!
Soon it was time to head home, meet my brother off the train and head to our Friday pub. It was very noisy but convivial and after having to stand for a while we found a table and had a good old chat. 
Today's image is of my brother mucking about with an old filter and toy beer truck. Something you do when you're a couple of glasses of wine down and the kitchen disco is on!

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