
By MReid

Waiting for Santa

Every year the Christmas season officially starts with the lighting of the tree in the centre of town.  And prior to that, there's the Umbrella Parade.  Families process from the riverside up to the tree carrying their decorated umbrellas.  This year the procession was led by Santa, who was late.  So late I got bored and went to the centre, which was so crowded I didn't feel safe infection-wise, and came away.
Earlier in the day, a visit to the hospital, where DH was feeling under the weather, possibly because he hadn't had a transfusion the day before.  It was a short visit.  Had a quick journey up the road, getting home mid-afternoon.  A bit of a rest, then out to the Umbrella Parade, as I didn't have any pics yet and wanted to avoid taking them out the window again.

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