
By MReid

Settling In

I've made it to the hotel in Inverness in one piece, and here's my feet settling in.  In a couple of hours I'll visit DH in hospital.
Which I did.  Did the laundry exchange, found I'd brought some of the wrong things (of course).  He seemed in pretty good spirits considering.  They'd given him a day off from getting a transfusion, for a slightly better blood count.  Chemo has made him nauseous.  He'll probably be in hospital longer, possibly a week more; they need to make sure the chemo has worked.  The ward is noisy with machines bleeping, and when the toilet light goes on in the middle of the night it's like a searchlight.  So he's not getting much sleep, either.  Poor man.  But as he said, he's far better off than some of the blokes on the ward.
And after this, back to the hotel for a meal at their restaurant.  Very busy in the hotel - wedding parties, men in kilts, etc.  

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