
By ArcLight

Busy city

As I expected, I woke up this morning feeling very sluggish. Originally I woke before 6am, but managed to get back to sleep to stay asleep until nearly 8am, which counts as a very good night as far as I'm concerned. About 8.05am, the concrete hammer across the way started up. Nice. One team was in just for the morning, digging a trench across the entrance to the building site, which presumably they decided it was good to do first thing on a Saturday morning so as not to inconvenience the rest of the workers on the building site during the week. Bugger the residents, of course.... By the time we came back from town, they had gone.

We had tickets for the Scottish Women Artists exhibition at Dovecote, and we got there via a Number 10 bus, a walk through a busy Edinburgh, a quick visit to Stills to see the Cafe Royal Books exhibition, and a coffee and a cinnamon bun at Brew Lab, which was much quieter than the cafes on Cockburn Street, being more out of the way for visitors to Edinburgh. We enjoyed the exhibition of Women Artists, but were not wowed by it. There were some interesting pieces, but overall we felt it wore its educative function too much on its sleeve.

We contemplated include Scottish landscapes at the City Art Centre in our artistic perambulations, but decided that we'd reached visual overload point. So we hopped on a Number 14 that came along South Bridge and secured the front seats on the top for a very long trip down to Great Junction Street. The traffic in the city was virtually gridlocked. Literally everyone seemed to have piled into Edinburgh in their private cars. I haven't seen Leith Walk that busy for a long time.

The rest of the day has not involved anything further, apart from another watch-a-thon of University Challenge episodes. With any luck, we will have caught up with 'real time' by the time we get to Christmas University Challenge.

Hoping for a bit more energy tomorrow. We have a bunch of things to sort out, and I also need to read some proofs. No chance today, though. Brain dead and body not far short of that condition. I ache all over.

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