Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Fungi walk

Today felt cooler and this weekend we are due to have our first cold wintery weather, with sleet and possibly snow in the north. There are still many fungi around so when I took Xena for a walk I spent some time photographing these fun guys. The one on the bottom left, the Amethyst Deceiver, looks like it is part of a brain! Xena stays close by when I am squatting down photographing these, and gets quite protective - she never barks, she is a very quiet dog and yet when some dogs came bounding over she barked at them - maybe she was saying 'bugger off, you will stand all over the fungi my mum is trying to photograph!'

After the walk it was a bit of a rush to get to my golf session. It was cold at golf today but we had another good session and if I can keep going through the winter hopefully when it gets warmer and I return to playing on the course my golf won't be too bad.

I am currently enjoying the Irish drama Kin that has just started on BBC1, it has already been shown in Ireland.

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