Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Chasing my Tail

These little green wine ‘corks’ all have a dog printed on them and we’ve told Salva (the owner) to keep them for us if he remembers. I think they’re fun! Ok …… a couple of them may have come off wine that we’ve had!

A day of finalising my item writing for the month, pressing submit :-) and then Aptis marking. I struggle to see any improvements in the new platform that was introduced recently. I find it clunkier and so it takes longer to mark tests, but the pay per item is the same. The recordings of speaking tests aren’t nearly as clear either.

Bb has been working from home too in the front room and only going out at 5pm to head up to IESE for a meeting. I’m just about to finish up and go up to Sarria, where we’ll meet after his meeting.

Added Bb on as an extra in Bar Monterrey, Sarria.

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