For the family

By RonaMac

A trip to London

A meeting with old nursing colleagues for lunch at a super Italian restaurant.

It was an interesting and eventful day. I was a little apprehensive at the outset because I don’t often get to travel independently these days. When I changed trains at Derby I looked for my pre booked seat. The lady who was sitting in it rather rudely informed me that seats weren’t being booked and that I should go and find an unoccupied seat. I was momentarily gobsmacked. 

The gentleman sitting opposite her very firmly, but politely, told her that seats were being booked and that he had needed to asked someone to vacate his seat and that she should find an unbooked seat. She silently stood up and moved on. As I took my seat I quietly thanked him. 

Later on in the journey I got chatting to him and his wife when they asked me about my knitting, I’d just cast on stitches for a sock. We had a very interesting chat about all sorts of things including the NHS and dogs, their dog is also called Amber.

It was good to meet up with the girls, we all appreciate the support we provided for one another during our nursing days and since retirement.

The day just flew and it was back to St Pancras for the train at 4pm, and home by 6.30. B was ready to go out with S who was dropping Olive off at the dog groomer. They were going to the pub for a pint, some grub and some chat. 

I’ve got caught up with messages etc and coffee. A good day, feeling much more confident and planning my next trip to meet-up with another colleague. 

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