Grandad's Day

3years 238days

Yey for sunny summery days, playing on the beach, chasing after Grandad

We headed out to the pool, just the two of us, first thing this morning, after fun making a card to take with us for Grandad. A lot of giggles chasing and splashing in the water, plus some good swimming from her. She's working really hard on her breathing/bubble blowing and her leggies are coming on too! We stayed a bit long by mistake so had to rush to get to the train in time. She was super excited though as we went to spend the day with Granny and Grandad.

Due to a bit of disorganisation, we had to stop en-route to meeting them to collect Grandad's presents but we then went to meet them for brunch. After initially claiming she didnt want anything to eat she ate two gigantic sausages, a hash brown, most of an egg and some toast. The only course of action following that, in Katie's mind, was to head to the beach.

We had a fabulous time on the sand. It's so lovely seeing how at home she feels there. She just loves it. Sandcastles, stone collecting, chasing in the water, and along the beach. It was only cut short with the threat of rain and a slightly droopy Katie. But the promise of ducks to find encouraged her along on a walk through the gardens and up to Peasholm Park. She stopped several times to wave at the miniature train, and laughed a lot when one of the engines came up the tracks backwards. We found some geese, seagulls and ducks to feed on the lake before we headed home to their house. I enjoyed going round the Marine Drive on our bike a lot.

Katie had been very amenable to the suggestion that she wait for an ice cream at Grandad's rather than the shop. However it was absolutely the first thing she wanted to do. She'd eaten it before I'd finished running a bath for her. She ate a huge tea, although midway through she got very sleepy, then perked up and had a second go at it!

We took the train home and she ate a large pile of crackers before snuggling up on my knee. She woke up on the way home so is having some milk and doing a colouring picture before sleepy time again. A happy happy day!

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